Each One, Bringing One, Each Year:

The concept is simple: when disciples become disciple-makers, our churches will start growing again.

  • 32 potential new members result when one member of your church practices" each one, bring one, each year" over five years.

  • 1,600 potential new members result when 50 members of your church practices" each one, bring one, each year" over five years.

  • 560 million potential new members result when 350,000 churches practice " each one, bring one, each year" over five years (U.S. population is currently 300 million).

With these estimates, we seek to encourage you to consider the intrinsic power of personal disciple-making.

Where will these new members come from?

According to George Barna in his book, "Re-churching the Unchurched," indicates there are 15 million people who profess a saving faith in Christ that do not belong to a local church-- on average, that's 40 people per church (pg. 17).

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