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Real Answers™
Copyright: © 2011 Gary Hardaway
700 words


By:  Gary Hardaway

The Declaration of Independence and its daughter, the United States Constitution, form a towering political project unsurpassed in human history. The Declaration elegantly sets forth America’s purpose, vision and essential identity. Eleven years later, the Constitution translated the Declaration into a majestic design for principled government.


Without any apology, the Declaration honors God, the Creator, as the source of human equality, dignity, life and liberty. The Founders, on behalf of all Americans, bow before the “Supreme Judge of the World,” humbly acknowledging His authority over the affairs of men. As if standing before that Judge, they carefully explain the moral reasons for their political action. 


While submitting to God’s authority, they also trust in His kindness. They sign the document “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.”  They would need that aid to survive.


The Constitution incorporates the ideals of the Declaration into a viable republic. The framers functioned as a team of architects, designing a unique blueprint. It was no easy task. Energetic debate was the norm.


As the Convention proceeded, a series of eighty-five anonymous articles were published, engaging the public and delegates in profound reflection on the key issues. The secret authors, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, produced a classic work of political genius, now known as the Federalist Papers. With appropriate perspective, one can see timely Divine Providence at work.


Today, secularists now claim ownership of the republic. They celebrate the fact that the Constitution doesn’t mention God. However, they utterly ignore the dynamic relationship between the Declaration and the Constitution. The secularists would have us believe that the architects intentionally rejected the July 4th language. Then, having done so, they somehow managed to persuade thirteen states to ratify their secularism and nullify the religious content of the Declaration.


In the First Amendment, the Founders immediately sought to protect religion: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”  Secularists claim this text forbids religious language or religious activity in public space, in the context of government involvement. “Where government goes, religion must retreat.”  (This doctrine, if consistently applied, would forbid the reading of the Declaration of Independence in any governmental setting).


This false version of “Separation of Church and State” thinly veils the purpose of banishing religion from every nook and cranny of society. Government, in the 21st century, goes everywhere. Federal laws, policies, regulations, bureaus, departments, agencies, and programs reach into almost every private corner. As government invades, religious convictions become “intolerance,” and “bigotry,” as well as “divisive,” and “dangerous.”


Kathleen Sullivan, professor at Stanford University Law School, argues that the text actually establishes a secular culture that cannot allow dissent. Religion is tolerated only "insofar as it is consistent with the establishment of the secular moral order."  She also asserts that

  • The "establishment of secular public order forbids government to put its . . . approval on religion through any official action."
  • The Court should not protect "adult 'members of religious communities from the consequences of their religious choices.'"  (Translation: Defying official secularism will be punished).  
  • Believers "must pay for the secular army which engineers the truce among them" . . . Critics of the theory of evolution violate the spirit of the Constitution . . .” The state must protect “empirical rationality against the abuses of Bible interpretation."

Cass Sunstein, President Obama’s “Regulation Czar,” agrees that the Constitution prescribes a secular liberal state.” Government should outlaw “intolerance,” because it is a “weapon” that violates the rights and dignity of others. Government would act as a divine instrument” of justice.” 

In such a situation, the Psalmist asked, “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” The question itself requires us to search our own souls for sins and failures. It demands that we take stewardship responsibility for our heritage. We must pray for renewal to spring forth in the culture. And with strong courage we must oppose those who subvert and destroy.


Gary Hardaway, is a freelance writer in Lynden, WA and a regular contributor to the Amy Internet Syndicate.  His forthcoming e-book. Atheists Say trhe Nastiest Things, will soom be available on Amazon.  He directs the Summit School of Ministry in Bellingham, WA. He has taught in universities in the USA, Canada, and Lithuania. He holds a PH.D. in foundations of education.

"Real Answers™" furnished courtesy of The Amy Foundation Internet Syndicate. To contact the author or The Amy Foundation, write or E-mail to: P. O. Box 16091, Lansing, MI 48901-6091;

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